„CECE7 – VIIth European Conference of Egyptologists. Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research“

The Croatian Institute of History, Opatička 10, the Upper Town

Zagreb, Croatia (2-7 June, 2015)

Co-organized by:

The Department of History, The Centre for Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb (Croatia)

The Department of Ancient Cultures of the Pułtusk Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk (Poland)

The Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb (Croatia)


The conference is supported by:

Egyptian Embassy in Zagreb

Ministry of Sciences, Education and Sport

The Croatian National Board of Historical Sciences

The Croatian Historical Society

The City of Zagreb, Convention Bureau

The Croatian Tourist Board


Organizing board:

Dr. Mladen Tomorad (Croatia)

Dr. Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (Poland)


People engaged in the organization of the conference:

Dr. Mislav Čavka (The Croatian Association for Medical Anthropology of the Croatian Medical Association, Croatia)

M.A. Dejan Penjak (Museum of the city of Križevci, Croatia)

Dr. Eva Katarina Glazer (The Centre for Croatian Studies, Croatia)

Dr. Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (The Pułtusk Academy of Humanities, Poland)

M.A. Tomislav Vodička (The Centre for Croatian Studies, Croatia)

Ivana Štimac (The Centre for Croatian Studies, Croatia)

Dr. Mladen Tomorad (The Centre for Croatian Studies, Croatia)

Dr. Vlatka Vukelić (The Centre for Croatian Studies, Croatia)




TUESDAY, 2nd June, 2015

8:30       Registration (at the Croatian Institute of History, Opatička 10 – the Upper Town)

9:00       Official opening of the conference


Session 1 Language, Literature and Titles

9:15     Helmut Satzinger (University of Vienna, Austria)

A Lexicon of Egyptian Lexical Root (Project)

9:35     Gaëlle Chantrain (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)

Time(s) in Ancient Egypt: perspectives of a broad lexical study

9:55     Uroš Matić (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany/Serbia)

Enemies to living icons: From m sxd to sxd.w

10:15   Discussion


Coffee break


Session 2 Religion and Religious Texts

10:40 Joanna PopielskaGrzybowska (Pułtusk Academy of Humanities, Poland) Eternity, Everlastingness and Nun in the Pyramid Texts

11:00  Mykola Tarasenko (А.Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine)

“Children of Weakness” (mc.w BdS.t) in the Book of Gates

11:20   Lubica Hudakova (University of Vienna, Austria/Slovakia)

The sunshade after the Old Kingdom – female attribute with Hathoric connotation?

11:40   Riana McArthur (University of South Africa, South Africa)

The revolution of Atenism: Akhenaten’s ‘Religion of Light’ and its reflection in Amarna art

12:00   Diana Liesegang (University of Heidelberg, Germany)

The reign of Ramses III., in the sign of “Personal Religion”

12:20 Maria Diletta Pubblico („L’Orientale“ University of Naples, Italy)

Investigation about the cult of Bastet during the Late and Greek-Roman Period: new perspectives of research

12:40 Discussion


Lunch break


Session 2 Religion and Religious Texts

14:30   Bárbara Rodrigues (Portuguese Centre for Global History, Portugal)

Is there an Egyptian hero? – The contributes of mythological and literary studies to an Egyptological subject

14:50   Guilherme Borges Pires (Portuguese Centre for Global History, Portugal)

The Study of the Sacred Space in Ancient Egypt: an example of interaction between Egyptology and other Fields of Knowledge


Session 8 Historical studies part 1

15:10 Jean-Pierre Pätznick (Sorbonne Paris IV, France)

Meretneith – “Princess, Queen, Regent and … first woman pharaoh?”


15:30 Discussion


15:45 Guided tour – the Museum of the City of Zagreb (Opatička 20, The Upper city) (cca. 2h)


18:00 Guided city tour in English (several groups)


Wednesday, 3rd June, 2015

Session 3 Art, ICONOGRAPHY and Architecture studies

9:00 Cheryl Hart (University of Wales – Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom)

An Examination and Analysis of the Role of the Iconographic Rosette Motif in the Egyptian Artistic Repertoire: A Case Study

9:20 Danijela Stefanović (University of Belgrade, Serbia)

Identifying sculptors within a workshop – the case of the late Middle Kingdom Theban workshop

9:40 Jadwiga Iwaszczuk (Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures – Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)

Battle scenes from the temple of Thutmose I in Gurna

10:00 Kamila Braulinska (University of Warsaw, Poland)

Some Remarks on the Lion Iconography in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari

10:20 Marco Baldi (University of Pisa, Italy)

Domestic architecture and daily life in Meroitic Nubia

10:40   Discussion


Coffee break


Session 4 Funerary and burial studies

11:15   Helen Strudwick (Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)

Death on the Nile: Egyptian coffins at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

11:35   Porin Šćukanec Rezniček (Croatia)

Case study of subsidiary burials in Ancient Egyptian cemeteries of the Early Dynastic Period

11:55   Nigel Strudwick (University of Memphis, United States of America/United Kingdom)

The robbery of Theban Tombs: an introduction and the example of TT99

12:15   Wael Sherbiny (Belgium)

The earliest source with the so-called Book of Two Ways as a coffin-floorboard decoration form the early Middle Kingdom

12:35   Adam Łukaszewicz (University of Warsaw, Poland)

Remarks on the proskynemata in the tomb of Ramesses VI.

12:55 Asja Mueller (University of Kiel, Germany)

Roman mummy masks in context: The reconstruction of workshop productions and distribution areas

13:15 Discussion


Lunch break


Session 5 Medicine and mummy studies

15:00   Katarzyna Szymańska (University of Warsaw, Poland)

Radiological and histological examinations of Egyptian Mummies

15:20   Mislav Čavka, Boris Olujić & Tomislav Kelava (University of Zagreb, Croatia) Homocystinuria, a Possible Explanation of the Akhenaten’s mystery

15:40   Ida Ćepulić, Boris Brkljačić, Mislav Čavka (University of Zagreb, Croatia) & Anja Petaros (University of Rijeka, Croatia)

Zagreb mummy paleoradiological reappraisal

16:00  Amanda-Alice Maravelia (Hellenic Institute of Egyptology, Greece), Helen Tourna, Panaghiotis Lazaris (National Arhcaeological Museum of Athens, Greece), Nikolaos Bontozoglou (The Athens Medical Centre, Greece), Phillippos Koutsautis, Konstantinos Kouvaris (Forensic Authority of Athens, Greece), Stephanos Geroulanos (Onaseion Cardiological Centre & International Hippocratic Foundation, Greece)

The CT–Scanning Project of the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology: Archaeological & Forensic Study of the 9 Ptolemaic Mummies from Panopolis at the Premises of the National Archaeological Museum in Athens

16:20 Discussion


18:30-20:30 Reception at the Egyptian Embassy in Zagreb (Babonićeva 58, Zagreb)


Thursday, 4th June, 2015

Excursion to Hrvatsko Zagorje (cca. 7:30-21:00) – or free day


Friday, 5th June, 2015

Session 6 Material culture and Museum studies

9:00 Susanna Moser (Civico Museo di Storia ed Arte, Italy)

The Egyptian collection at the Civico Museo di Storia ed Arte of Trieste: its history and some highlights

9:20 Stefania Minieri (University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Italy)

Excavation in Archive: the Borgia Egyptian Collection of the MANN

9:40 Joanna Debowska-Ludwin (Jagiellonian University, Poland)

How close the relation was? Egyptian and Levantine building traditions in the 4th millennium B.C.

10:00 Johannes Auenmüller (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Germany)

New Insights into Late Period Bronze Casting: the workshop materials from the Qubbet el-Hawa necropolis

10:20   Steven Snape (Liverpool University, United Kingdom)

Ramesside Appropriations of Ancient Memphis

10:40   Magdalena Sobas (Jagiellonian University, Poland)

Decorated pottery of Protodynastic and Early Dynastic periods at Tell el-Farkha (the Western Kom), Egypt

11:00   Discussion


Coffee break


11:30  Mladen Tomorad (University of Zagreb, Croatia)

Shabtis in private and museum collections in Croatia: typological study

11:50 Dan Augustine Deac (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania)

Shabtis from the Danubian Roman limes

12:10 Magdalena Kazimierczak (Jagiellonian University, Poland)

Settlement pottery from Old Kingdom period at Tell el-Murra trench T5

12:30 Valentina Gasperini & Nicky Nielsen (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)

A Preliminary Report on New Ceramic Fabric Types from Zawiyet Umm el-Rakham

12:50 Discussion


Lunch break


Session 7 Egyptomania, Travellers

15:00   Joyce Tyldesley (Manchester University, United Kingdom)

Wonderful Things: Thematic Transmission in Egyptian Revival Jewellery

15:20   Joško Belamarić (Institute for art history, Croatia)

The afterlife of the sphinxes in Diocletian’s Palace in Split

15:40   Anne Haslund Hansen (Nationalmuseet, Denmark)

Actors, agents, artefacts – collecting during the Arabian Voyage 1761-1767

16:00 Carlo Rindi Nuzzolo & Irene Guidotti (Monash University, Australia/Italy)

Following the traces of Giuseppe and Amalia Nizzoli: Preliminary results of a recent investigation

16:20   Danijel Rafaelić (University of Zagreb, Croatia)

Nazi film propaganda and Ancient Egypt

16:40 Discussion


SAturday, 6th June, 2015

Session 8 Historical studies

9:00 Francis Lankester  (United Kingdom)

Creating ‘The Cosmic King’: The Politics Of Fashioning The Early Egyptian Absolute Ruler

9:20 Gavin Smith (United Kingdom)

Vice and Violence: Creating the Egyptian predynastic state under duress and by dubious means

9:40 Agnieszka Mączyńska (Poznan Archaeological Museum, Poland)

The Neolithic period in Lower Egypt – rethinking of the old ideas

10:00   Arkadiy Demidchik (Novosibirsk State University & Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Russia)

Merikare Khety– the Sixth King of the Heracleopolitan Royal House

10:20 Coffee break

10:40   Alexander Ilin-Tomich (Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)

Regional Administration in Late Middle Kingdom Egypt: from a negative towards a positive definition

11:00   Nenad Marković (University of Belgrade, Serbia)

On the top of the world: the family of king Amasis at Memphis

11:20 Eva Katarina Glazer (University of Zagreb, Croatia)

Egypt and the Southern Levant nomadic populations: the dynamics of relations during Late Bronze/Early Iron Age

11:40   Discussion

Lunch break


Session 9 Archaeology and excavations

13:30   Natalia Małecka-Drozd (Jagiellonian University, Poland)

Storage and distribution – the case of the Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom siloo facilities in the light of the new discoveries

13:50   Suzanne Onstine (University of Memphis, United States of America)

The University of Memphis mission to Theban tomb 16

14:10   Wojciech Ejsmond, Julia Chyla, Daniel Takács, Piotr Witkowski, Dawid F. Wieczorek, Marzena Ożarek–Szilke (University of Warsaw, Poland)

Results of Recent Archaeological Research at Gebelein

14:30 Afifi Rohim (Ministry of Antiquieties, Egypt)

Rediscover and reassemble the second solar boat of Khufu

14:50 Discussion


15:15 Guided tour – the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb (Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 19) (cca. 2h)


18:30 Farewell dinner – details will be announce later


SUNDAY, 7th June, 2015

Excursion to the National park „Plitivička jezera“

The next, VIIIth European conference of Egyptologists will be in Lisboa (Lisabon; Portugal) in Spring or Autumn 2017. Call for papers will be available in the second half of 2016.

O autoru

Rođen sam u Zagrebu 1971. Diplomirao (1997.) i magistrirao (2001.) sam na Odsjeku za povijest Filozofskog fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Doktorirao sam na Odsjeku za informacijske znanosti Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu interdisciplinarnim doktorskim radom s područja povijesti, arheologije i muzelogije - „Model računalne obrade i prezentacije staroegipatskih predmeta u muzejskim zbirkama u Hrvatskoj“ (2006.). Od 2005. do 2009. godine studirao sam egiptologiju na Sveučilištu u Manchesteru. Od lipnja 2000. do travnja 2011. radio sam na Odsjeku za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu gdje sam od siječnja 2002. do listopada 2006. bio voditelj Kompjutorskog laboratorija. Od travnja 2011. radim na Odsjeku za povijest Fakulteta hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u znanstveno-nastavnom zvanju docenta (2011. - 2020) i izvanrednog profesora (2020. - ). Inicijator sam i voditelj međunarodnog projekta Croato-Aegyptiaca Electronica od 2002. godine. Sudionik sam brojnih domaćih i međunarodnih znanstvenih sku